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contoh kalimat regular army

"regular army" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • And that's not winning her any friends with the regular army.
    "Menyebabkan Konflik Dengan Pasukan Utama".
  • Regular Army Divisions were numbered 1st to 8th.
    Divisi Tentara reguler diberi nomor 1 sampai 8.
  • And who will enforce the laws? -The regular army, the police.
    Dan siapa yang akan menegakkan hukum?
  • They needed you and the Regular Army to attempt a coup.
    "Mereka Gunakan Kalian Untuk Suatu Tujuan"
  • It's not regular Army, based on all the accents.
    Ini bukan tentara biasa, berdasar pada semua tekanan.
  • We provide services the regular army isn't equipped for.
    Kami menyediakan pelayanan yang tentara biasa tidak terlatih.
  • You're regular army, but you sound like a draftee.
    Kau itu prajurit terlatih, bersikaplah layaknya orang berpendidikan.
  • The nearest regular army are at Victory Pass.
    Tempat terdekat pasukan ada di Victory Pass.
  • So why don't you use the regular army?
    Kenapa kau tak pakai tentara biasa?
  • Did me duty in the regular Army for a while.
    Apa aku bertugas di AD reguler untuk sementara waktu.
  • Regular Army has positions to the south.
    tentara reguler itu berposisi di selatan.
  • It wasn't regular army, Stanley, it wasn't rebels, it wasn't FARDC.
    Itu bukan tentara biasa, Stanley, bukan pemberontak, bukan FARDC.
  • Without the aid of the Regular Army?
    "Tanpa Melibatkan Pasukan Utama"?
  • This is not regular army.
    Ini bukan pasukan reguler.
  • National Guard and regular army have been deployed for rescue and recovery.
    Keamanan nasional dan tentara setempat telah dikerahkan .untuk penyelamatan dan pemulihan.
  • Prince Ju also sent two messengers in attempts to mobilize regular armies.
    Pangeran Ju juga mengirim dua utusan dalam upaya memobilisasi tentara reguler.
  • But you don't learn how to fight like that in the regular army.
    Tapi kau tidak belajar cara berkelahi seperti itu di kesatuan biasa.
  • They were from the Greek cities who had no specific role within the regular army.
    Mereka berasal dari kota-kota Yunani dan tidak memiliki peran spesifik dalam pasukan reguler.
  • At the time the regular army consisted of 350,000 men, with a further 470,000 in the laskar.
    Pada saat itu, tentara reguler terdiri dari 350.000 personel, dan lebih dari 470.00 terdapat di laskar.
  • We were helping train the Congolese regular army to resist the incursion of well-armed rebel forces backed by terrorist groups.
    Kami membantu melatih tentara reguler Kongo untuk menahan serbuan dari bersenjata baik pasukan pemberontak didukung oleh kelompok teroris.
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